Primary School

Primary School

Primary 3 to Primary 6

The Primary Section uses an inquiry-based methodology which has clear objectives that are aligned to academic standards.

The teacher's role is that of a facilitator, which promotes the active participation of students. This encourages the participation of all, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experiences, and looks to promote the overall development of a diverse range of skills that will contribute to the personal and academic success of each student.


Why have so many lessons taught in English?

To promote a quality education in a second language, and to generate an enriched environment in English. To promote a near full immersion in English language teaching. To promote the same communication skills in both mother tongue and English.


Activities after the academic day between 13:00 to 17:30 hrs

  • Dance & Games
  • Mindfulness
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Cooking
  • Sports

NO Bullying Policy

3rd to 6th Grade:

Admission requirements:

Report of partial marks of the current year

Personality certificate of the previous year.

A Safe Environment with: 

  • Highly trained professionals
  • Adaptation process to support entry
  • Referrals to psychology/learning support
  • School - family work
  • Coordination with external specialists as required
  • ‘Schools’ for parents
  • Teacher training
  • School coexistence

Admissions Process

Normal period:
15 - March / 31 - May

Additional period
1 - June / 31 – December